# File System Routing

File System Routing is simply routing as per your folder structure. But it's kind of different here. In Exhancer what you do is create your root directory to watch for the routing.

Let's start

# Setting up project

# Installing Dependencies

npm init -y
npm install exhancer express

After installing dependencies create a new file index.js


import exhancer from "exhancer";

import express from "express";

import * as path from "path";
import * as url from "url";

const __dirname = url.fileURLToPath(new URL(".", import.meta.url));

const exhapp = new exhancer.Exhancer({
  fsRouting: true,
  directory: path.resolve(__dirname, "src"),
  prefix: "/api",

exhapp.run(3000, () => {
  console.log("[YOUR-APP] ⚡ App Running on port 3000");

Here on line 10, where we initialize our app, we set the directory to the src folder. That means aur exhancer app will look for routes in that directory. Now the folders inside the src folder needs to be well organized in a predefined way.

# Creating folder structure.

  1. Create a new folder hello inside the src folder.
  2. Inside the hello folder create a index.js file.
import { Router } from "express";

export default () => {
    const router = Router();

    router.post("/", (req, res) => res.send("Hello World"))

    return router;

You have to follow this pattern in every routes you create inside the src folder. If you get stuck following this guide go ahead and see this repo.

# Running your application.

node index.js

You'll now able to make api requests to endpoint. /api/hello

Similarly, for user api you have to create a user folder within the src folder and a index.js file inside the user folder. i.e src/user/index.js